It’s cliche, but... It is beginning to look A LOT like Christmas!
Welcome to soggy dog designs‘ 2019 #soggydoggyhollyjollymerrymini season! We are so excited to be ground-level amidst all the glorious picturesque snow-falling trolley-caroling gift-seeking hot-chocolate sipping loveliness that is Main Street Bath in December.

Here’s To You, Bath, Maine and to the Happiest of Holiday seasons for each of us.
Come visit us for #AliveAfterFive Fridays and Saturdays through December 21st, and all through the week, too!
And... we heard from Santa today, too! 🎅🏻 The Big Guy is going to come in for a visit soon so stay tuned for when you can visit him ( and a day for your dogs, too!)!
#herestoyou #santascoming #bathmaine #brightnightbath #soggydogdesigns #photographyforealife @ soggy dog designs