Shipbuilders Strong | The Morse High School Class of 2020 For Real.
“This time in history has taught me the importance of friendships and family” William, a member of the Morse High School Class of 2020, remarks. He was most looking forward to spending what little time he had left at Morse with friends and making memories that would last a lifetime.

Being a Shipbuilder meant “going to assemblies and seeing Mr. O'Leary hype the whole school, in an historic building where he has made many memories. Many staff members have made an impression on William, of which he notes are Mr. Varney, Mr. O'Leary, Mr. Bernier, Mr. DeRosa, and Mr. Bingham. Now that he is officially a graduate, he plans to work at BIW, or in construction.

The times have definitely changed, and new memories are made, just not in the way any Senior, or now Graduate, of this class would have predicted. We went to Library Park in Bath, Maine, where the senior class traditionally congregates prior to every year's Prom, on the day for which it was scheduled. The community gathers, families and friends take photos and then send the Seniors off to their Senior Reception, as it is known at Morse. Due to restrictions in place surrounding the Covid-19 crisis, there were no crowds, just a few small groups of 'quaranteams.'
Will graduated this past weekend as well, also not in the way that was imagined by all members of this year's class, at McMann Field, the Shipbuilders' home turf. Instead he watched planes fly overhead at the Wiscasset Municipal Airport and reconnected with classmates in a 'tailgate Graduation' situation prior to the Commencement ceremony.
His advice to underclassmen and future Shipbuilders is to have perseverance and focus. This spring, he notes, has taught him mindfulness and patience. Wonderful advice and tools for these ever-changing and unpredictable times we are living in.
Here's To You, William!